Impact of digital economy on the digital habituses of the Russian population

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 192, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 169-176

Citation information:
Podgorny, B., & Volokhova, N. (2021). Impact of digital economy on the digital habituses of the Russian population. Economic Annals-XXI, 192(7-8(2)), 169-176. doi:

Boris Podgorny
D.Sc. (Sociology),
Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology,
Southwest State University
94, 50 Let Oktyabrya Str., Kursk, 305040, Russian Federation

Nataliya Volokhova
D.Sc. (Philosophy),
Professor of the Department of Philosophy,
Kursk State University
33 Radishcheva Str., Kursk, 305000, Russian Federation

Impact of digital economy on the digital habituses of the Russian population

Abstract. During the analysis of the results of digitalization, it becomes necessary to take the sociological component, along with statistical and financial ones, into account. Sociological index consists, first of all, in the understanding by the population of certain regions and countries of the processes and activities that are being held, the attitude to them and the readiness for the changes introduced by digital economy. This article provides data on the digital habituses of the population and their impact on the attitude to the development and implementation of digital technologies and the actions of the community within the framework of the current situation with digital technologies. It is shown in our research that about 25 percent of the population have habituses that do not explicitly or covertly support the development of new digital technologies. The influence of the habituses of the population on the attitude to the development and implementation of digital technologies, levels of digital literacy, protection of personal information, self-assessment of digital literacy and user level is determined.

Keywords: Digitalization; Digital Economy; Attitude; Digital Habitus; Disposition; Capital; Digital Literacy

JEL Classification: A14; D12; E44

Acknowledgements and Funding: The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project No. 20-011-00228 entitled «The Russian digital economy as a social field».

Contribution: The authors contributed equally to this work.

Data Availability Statement: project database «Russian Digital Economy as a Social Field» (2020-2021) with doi: is available online also via link:



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Received 12.05.2021
Received in revised form 9.06.2021
Accepted 14.06.2021
Available online 21.09.2021