Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 198, Issue (7-8), Pages: 4-17

Citation information:
Said, L. R., Puspasari, N., & Rusniati, R. (2022). The effect of mobile banking e-service on positive word-of-mouth marketing and customers: a case study of South Kalimantan Bank in Indonesia. Economic Annals-XXI, 198(7-8), 4-17. doi:

Laila Refiana Said
PhD (Economics),
Faculty of Economics and Business,
Lambung Mangkurat University
Kota Banjarmasin, 70123, Indonesia
(Corresponding author)

Nelly Puspasari
MA (Economics),
Lambung Mangkurat University
Kota Banjarmasin, 70123, Indonesia

Rusniati Rusniati
MA (Economics),
Lambung Mangkurat University
Kota Banjarmasin, 70123, Indonesia

The effect of mobile banking e-service on positive word-of-mouth marketing and customers: a case study of South Kalimantan Bank in Indonesia

Abstract. Various studies on bank customers’ perception of e-service quality are widely done in conventional banks or private banks. However, hardly any study sheds light on the baby boomers and X generation customers on how their perceptions of e-service quality and satisfaction affect positive word-of-mouth (WOM) in a regional government-owned bank. This study aims to analyze the effect of South Kalimantan Bank (SKB) mobile banking e-service on positive WOM and old SKB customers and the role of customer satisfaction in intervening in the influence of e-service quality on WOM. This study used a structured, self-administered questionnaire based on a convenience sampling method to collect data from 97 customers of an Indonesian regional bank. The study data were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). The structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis looked for essential relationships between the variables in the study. The structural findings showed that e-service quality has no direct effect on positive WOM, but e-service quality affects positive WOM through customer satisfaction. The study’s key findings found that although older customers want convenience in mobile banking transactions, they still put security as the main factor. Therefore, it is recommended that banks focus more on user-friendly mobile features than complex features, primarily when serving older customers.

Keywords: E-Service Quality; Customer Satisfaction; Mobile Banking; Word-of-Mouth; WOM; Partial Least Square; South Kalimantan Bank (SKB)

JEL Classіfіcatіon: H1; H50; J14

Acknowledgements and Funding: The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Contribution: The authors contributed equally to this work.

Data Availability Statement: All data will be available upon request.



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Received 20.04.2022
Received in revised form 22.05.2022
Accepted 26.05.2022
Available online 20.08.2022