Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 200, Issue (11-12), Pages: 4-9

Citation information:
Maryam, S. (2022). Salient stakeholder involvement model using temporary and continuous financial approaches in globalization. Economic Annals-XXI, 200(11-12), 4-9. doi:

Siti Maryam
MA (Economics),
Program Study of Management,
Islam Batik University
Surakarta, 57147, Indonesia (Corresponding author)

Salient stakeholder involvement model using temporary and continuous financial approaches in globalization

Abstract. The current globalization in fashion trends that enter Indonesia threatens the sustainability of Batik products in Indonesia. Efforts to maintain the financial sustainability of batik so far involve the role of salient stakeholders. However, stakeholder involvement in preserving Surakarta batik has not been fully patterned. This research reviews stakeholders’ efforts to develop Batik in Surakarta and how stakeholders empower the community to develop and financially sustain batik. The research method used qualitative descriptive with phenomenological design. The informants are batik stakeholder in Surakarta which includes Kraton Kasunanan, Pura Mangkunegaran, Surakarta Tourism Office, SMA Batik Surakarta, dan Kampoeng Batik Laweyan Development Forum (FPKBL). Data was collected with in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis activities include data reduction, data display, and inference.

The results showed that Batik investors involve salient stakeholders to maintain the Batik industry. Each stakeholder uses a varied approach to influence the community. The stakeholder approach in supporting the preservation of Surakarta batik is classified as a temporary and sustainable approach. This study shows that salient stakeholders have a significant role in maintaining and improving the sustainability of Batik Surakarta.

Keywords: Batik Investors; Globalization; Salient Stakeholder; Financial Sustainability; Batik Fashion

JEL Classification: R1; R11; R51

Acknowledgements and Funding: The author received no direct funding for this research.

Contribution: The author has been responsible for the whole stages of preparing this article.

Data Availability Statement: The dataset used is publicly available from the sources referred to in the paper.



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Received 27.06.2022
Received in revised form 22.07.2022
Accepted 20.10.2022
Available online 28.12.2022