Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 200, Issue (11-12), Pages: 27-33

Citation information:
Agustina, G., Ahman, E., Disman, Sojanah, J., & Soeratin, B. S. (2022). Organizational happiness character and lecturer performance: the mediating effect of organizational citizenship behavior. Economic Annals-XXI, 200(11-12), 27-33. doi:

Granit Agustina
MA (Economics),
Department of Economy,
Indonesia University of Education
Bandung, 11530, Indonesia (Corresponding author);
Winaya Mukti University
Bandung Indonesia

Eeng Ahman
MA (Economics),
Department of Economy,
Indonesia University of Education
Bandung, 11530, Indonesia

MA (Economics),
Department of Economy,
Indonesia University of Education
Bandung, 11530, Indonesia

Janah Sojanah
MA (Economics),
Department of Economy,
Indonesia University of Education
Bandung, 11530, Indonesia

Boyke Setiawan Soeratin
MA (Economics),
Department of Economy,
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, 11530, Indonesia

Organizational happiness character and lecturer performance: the mediating effect of organizational citizenship behavior

Abstract. This study aimed to determine the role of organizational happiness character (OHC) towards lecturer performance with organizational citizenship behaviour as a mediation variable. The study was aimed to lecturers at private universities in Greater Bandung, with a total number of 5,435 lecturers out of 21 Private Universities. Data was collected using a questionnaire with a differential semantic scale in 2021 and 2022. It has met the minimum sample requirement needed for SEM-PLS analysis. The study is devoted to analiysis of the lecturer perception of organizational happiness, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and lecturer performance, testing 4 hypotheses. The measurement scale in this study uses differential semantics which is an effective measurement tool for attitudes.

The analysis of the research hypothesis shows a relationship between OHC and performance, and OCB variables affect the improvement of lecturer performance. The relationship between OHC and OCB has also been confirmed and shows a positive and significant relationship. Hence, it can be said that the variable OCB is a mediator for the effect of the variable OHC on employee performance. In this study, organizational citizenship has a partial mediating effect in improving lecturer performance.

Keywords: Organizational Character; Organizational Happiness; Organizational Happiness Character; Organizational Citizenship Behavior

JEL Classification: M1; M15; M16; Q01; Q12

Acknowledgements and Funding: The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Contribution: The authors contributed equally to this work.

Data Availability Statement: All data will be provided on request.



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Received 20.07.2022
Received in revised form 22.08.2022
Accepted 26.09.2022
Available online 28.12.2022