Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 200, Issue (11-12), Pages: 41-51
Citation information:
Astanakulov, O., Goyipnazarov, S., & Nasurova, K. (2022). The study of pilgrimage in aspects of the economy of tourism organization. Economic Annals-XXI, 200(11-12), 42-54. doi:
Olim Astanakulov
D.Sc. (Economics),
International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan (IIAU)
11 Abdulla Kodiri Str., Tashkent, 100011, Uzbekistan
Goyipnazarov Sanjar
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Tashkent State University of Economics (TSUE)
49 Islam Karimov Str., Tashkent, 100066, Uzbekistan
Kamolakhon Nasurova
PhD Student (Economics),
Tashkent Financial Institute (TFI)
60 A, Temur Str., Tashkent, 100000, Uzbekistan
The study of pilgrimage in aspects of the economy of tourism organization
Abstract. The relevance of the work. At the beginning of the XXI century, when the service sector becomes a priority, various types of tourism are actively developing. Among them, religious tourism also occupies a worthy place, which, in our opinion, is a promising area of research. All over the world there are a huge number of religious buildings that are distinguished by historical, cultural and sacred and artistic attractiveness. Sacred objects can be visited all year round, regardless of weather conditions, religion, political ambitions and other reasons.
Religious tourism as a scientific direction requires a theoretical basis and the development of a methodological base.
The purpose of the work is economic analysis of religious tourism as part of tourism system with a special accent on Turkey.
One of the most significant findings relates to the efficacy of integrated development plans initiated by the Turkish government for the Antalya region. This rational policy has led to a substantial increase in state revenues from the tourism industry, tallying at USD 33.3 billion in 1987. The study elucidates how the strategic regulation of foreign investment through integrated plans has not only optimized state revenues but also sustainably developed these resort towns into significant tourism hubs. The global pilgrimage tourism economy has been burgeoning as well, with a CAGR of approximately 8% from 2010-2020, reaching a net market valuation of around USD 60 billion. When dissected further, the data reveal that accommodation services constitute about 30% of the total revenue generated, followed by transportation services at 25%, and miscellaneous expenditures covering the remaining 45%. It unambiguously demonstrates that with meticulous planning and strategic investment, pilgrimage tourism has the potential to become a cornerstone in the diversification and enrichment of national and global tourism economies.
Keywords: Economics; Religion; Pelgrim; Reseach; Analysis; Tourism System; Turkey; Islam
JEL Classification: I10; P46
Acknowledgements and Funding: The authors received no direct funding for this research.
Contribution: The authors contributed personally to this work.
Data Availability Statement: All data will be available upon request.
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Received 10.06.2022
Received in revised form 22.07.2022
Accepted 26.10.2022
Available online 28.12.2022