Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 193, Issue (9-10), Pages: 121-127
Citation information:
Bokareva, E., Silaeva, A., Sanginova, L., Boboshko, V., & Boboshko, N. (2021). Objective and imperative meaning of financial policy at micro level. Economic Annals-XXI, 193(9-10), 121-127. doi:
Elena Bokareva
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
High School of Business, Management and Law,
Russian State University of Tourism and Service
99 Glavnaya Str., Cherkizovo, Moscow Region, 141221, Russian Federation
Anna Silaeva
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
High School of Business, Management and Law,
Russian State University of Tourism and Service
99 Glavnaya Str., Cherkizovo, Moscow Region, 141221, Russian Federation
Lola Sanginova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Department of Public Finance,
Financial University under the RF Government
99 Glavnaya Str., Cherkizovo, Moscow Region, 141221, Russian Federation
Vladimir Boboshko
D.Sc. (Economics),
Professor of the Department of Economics and Accounting,
Moscow University of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs
4 Okruzhnoy Proyezd, Moscow, 107061, Russian Federation
Natalia Boboshko
D.Sc. (Economics),
Professor of the Department of Economic Security,
Finance and Economic Analysis,
Moscow University of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs
4 Okruzhnoy Proyezd, Moscow, 107061, Russian Federation
Objective and imperative content of financial policy at micro level
Abstract. Nowadays, financial policy is a form of ideology and goal-setting implementation in the financial issues at any management levels (interstate formation, national economy, region, business entity, household), including the methods of financial resource mobilization, income, and expense structuring, legal regulations, assessing the impact of the controlled object on the economy. Financial policy is an enterprise goal-setting implementation concerning the micro-level (the level of business entities), including generating income and expenses, structuring, internal regulations, and assessments. The study aims to analyze the objective and imperative content of financial policy at the micro-level in the year 2020. With this purpose, we employ techniques and tools of economic and logical analysis, the methods of comparison, and groupings. We have made several proposals for policies to improve economic growth, including: avoidance of policies for economic cycles, especially in times of shock to macroeconomics, guide prices at the macroeconomic level, especially interest rates and exchange rates to support development goals, pursue trade and industrial policies to create increasingly profitable economic activities, Improve financial development and efficient and effective use of international relations.
Keywords: Financial Policy; State Treasury; Finance; Macroeconomics; Business
JEL Classifications: E02; E6
Acknowledgments and Funding: The authors received no direct funding for this research.
Contribution: The authors contributed equally to this work.
Data Availability Statement: The dataset is available from the authors upon request.
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Received 16.06.2021
Received in revised form 9.08.2021
Accepted 20.08.2021
Available online 19.10.2021