Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 202, Issue (3-4), Pages: 61-72

Citation information:
Tynybaeva, M., Tanirbergenova, A., Aktanova, A., Imangaziev, A., & Torebekova, A. (2023). Incentive structures and their impact on the economic viability of academic and research institutions: a case-based methodological investigation. Economic Annals-XXI, 202(3-4), 61-72. doi:

Madina Tynybaeva
PhD (Pedagogy),
Chief Scientific Officer,
Altynsarin National Academy of Education
4 Mangilik Yel. Ave., Astana, 100000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Anar Tanirbergenova
PhD (Pedagogy),
Leading Researcher,
Altynsarin National Academy of Education
4 Mangilik Yel. Ave., Astana, 100000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Aiman Aktanova
PhD (Pedagogy),
Leading Researcher,
Altynsarin National Academy of Education
4 Mangilik Yel. Ave., Astana, 100000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Arystan Imangaziev
MA (Pedagogy),
Senior Researcher,
Altynsarin National Academy of Education
4 Mangilik Yel. Ave., Astana, 100000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Ayaulym Torebekova
MA (International Relations and World History),
Senior Researcher,
Altynsarin National Academy of Education
4 Mangilik Yel. Ave., Astana, 100000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Incentive structures and their impact on the economic viability of academic and research institutions: a case-based methodological investigation

Abstract. In the rapidly globalizing world characterized by increasing competitiveness in the academic and research sectors, the influence of incentive structures on the economic viability of institutions has gained prominence. This article proposes a comprehensive case-based methodological investigation to examine how various incentive mechanisms affect the economic standing of academic and research institutions in Kazakhstan. Drawing from the interdisciplinary fields of economics, management science, and sociology, we aim to delineate the causal linkages between incentive structures and institutional economics.

The economic viability of academic and research institutions is increasingly subjected to scrutiny in contemporary discussions surrounding higher education and research funding paradigms. In a symbiotic relationship, incentive structures act as critical levers that can either augment or constrain the economic viability of these institutions. This interdisciplinary research article embarks on an empirical journey to explore the interconnections between incentive structures and economic outcomes within the academic and research institutions in Kazakhstan. The study employs a case-based methodological framework, focusing on both quantitative and qualitative data gathered from a representative sampling of institutions. Grounded in Institutional Economics, Transaction Cost Economics, and Social Capital Theory, the investigation seeks to dissect the underlying mechanisms that condition the efficacy of various types of incentives – monetary, social, and reputational – on the financial stability, operational efficiency, and overall economic performance of these institutions. The article aims to contribute to the extant literature by filling the current empirical void and providing actionable insights for policymakers, institutional administrators, and the academic community at large. The findings have far-reaching implications not only for Kazakhstan but also for similar emerging economies grappling with the challenges of fostering economically viable and globally competitive academic and research institutions.

Keywords: Incentive Structures; Economic Viability; Academic Institutions; Research Institutions; Case-Based Methodology; Institutional Economics; Transaction Cost Economics; Social Capital Theory; Kazakhstan

JEL Classifications: I23; I28; L31; O32; O38

Acknowledgements and Funding: This research was prepared within the programme trust fund study OR 11465474 «Scientific foundations of modernization of the education system and science» (2021-2023, Altynsarin National Academy of Education).

Contribution: The authors contributed equally to this work.

Data Availability Statement: The dataset is available from the authors upon request.



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Received 23.02.2023
Received in revised form 10.03.2023
Accepted 12.03.2023
Available online 10.04.2023