Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 203, Issue (5-6), Pages: 48-58

Citation information:
Aryngazin Anuar, Aryngazin Ansar, Aryngazin Askar, & Tynybayeva Madina (2023). Economic analysis of material and technical support of scientific potential of researchers at Kazakhstani universities. Economic Annals-XXI, 203(5-6), 48-58. doi:

Anuar Aryngazin
MSc (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering),
Nazarbayev University
53 Kabanbay Batyr Ave., Astana, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Ansar Aryngazin
MSc (Physics),
Nazarbayev University
53 Kabanbay Batyr Ave., Astana, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Askar Aryngazin
D.Sc. (Physics and Mathematics),
Sustainable Innovation and Technology Foundation;
Leading Researcher,
Altynsarin National Academy of Education
8/2 Mangilik El Ave., Astana, 100000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Madina Tynybayeva
PhD (Education),
Chief Scientific Officer, President,
Altynsarin National Academy of Education
8/2 Mangilik El Ave., Astana, 100000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Economic analysis of material and technical support of scientific potential of researchers at Kazakhstani universities

Abstract. One of the pressing challenges confronting higher education institutions in Kazakhstan is the enhancement of the quality of academic and research training for students, particularly at the postgraduate level (PhD). This quality is significantly influenced by the research capabilities of academic faculties. The assessment of academic training involves various factors, including the proficiency level in scientific methodologies exhibited by academic staff and postgraduate students. Economics of material-technical infrastructure plays a pivotal, often decisive role in this training, especially in the realm of natural and technical sciences.

The primary goal of our study is to gauge the proficiency levels in scientific methodologies among academic faculty, scrutinize economics of material-technical provisioning of higher education institutions, and to formulate pedagogical and administrative recommendations targeted at the academic staff and management of these institutions.

In the presented country case study (Kazakhstan), a comprehensive survey and data collection were carried out, involving 23 higher education institutions, 22 research institutes (spanning the years 2019-2021), and about 800 surveyed academic and research representatives in the fields of humanities, natural-technical sciences, and mathematical disciplines.

A pronounced deficiency (82%) was identified in the grasp of scientific methodologies within higher education institutions. Marginal variances were observed between universities and research institutes, as well as between natural-technical and social-humanitarian faculties. Alarmingly lower levels of material-technical provisioning per academic faculty member were revealed, ranging from a mere 2% to 75% compared to research institutes.

The presented results introduce new quantitative and qualitative data extracted from primary sources. The analysis uncovers both general and specific per-capita characteristics of the research potential of academic faculty and higher education institutions in Kazakhstan. It reveals significant variances in material-technical provisioning, ranging from a mere 2% to 75% when compared to research institutes.

We provide evaluations and recommendations for universities to substantially augment the per-capita characteristics of material-technical provisioning at the level of individual research potential. In the economical aspect, we advise to improve workplace facilities and equipment.

Keywords: Higher Education Institution; Research Potential; Individual; Personality; Research Methods; Material-Technical Provisioning; Economics; Statistical Analysis; Decision Theory

JEL Classіfіcatіon: I22; I23; I25; O15; O31; O32; O34

Acknowledgements and Funding: This paper has been prepared within the framework of the scientific and technical program «Scientific basis for modernization of the education system and science» (OR11465474), implemented by the Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education (Kazakhstan).

Contribution: The authors contributed equally to this work.

Data Availability Statement: The dataset is available from the authors upon request.



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Received 20.01.2023
Received in revised form 11.03.2023
Accepted 12.03.2023
Available online 14.06.2023