Production efficiency in handicrafts manufacturing on the example of decorative ceramics: the use of training for making craft products made of glass fiber reinforced concrete

Raharjo, T., Sudiyati, N., Jayadi, N., Sukanadi, I. M., & Ratnaningtyas, Y. A. (2021). Production efficiency in handicrafts manufacturing on the example of decorative ceramics: the use of training for making craft products made of glass fiber reinforced concrete. Economic Annals-XXI, 194(11-12), 81-89. doi:

Branding and promotion of small towns according to the standards of the European Union: experience of the Visegrad Group countries for Ukraine

The materials of the international workshop and training. (2010). Branding and promotion of small towns according to the standards of the European Union: experience of the Visegrad Group countries for Ukraine (Rava-Ruska city, Lviv region). Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8, 49-55.