Honey production competitiveness between the Visegrad countries analysis based on the relative comparative advantages indices

Illés, B. Cs., Oravecz, T., Žufan, P., Šedík, P., & Mucha, L. (2021). Honey production competitiveness between the Visegrad countries analysis based on the relative comparative advantages indices. Economic Annals-XXI, 189(5-6(1)), 57-68. doi: https://doi.org/10.21003/ea.V189-06

Comparative analysis of the process for compliance with the European Charter of Local Self-Government in The Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia – with special emphasis on economic conditions and Hungarian atypical features

Lentner, Cs., Nagy, L., Vasa, L., &Hegedűs, Sz. (2018). Comparative analysis of the process for compliance with the European Charter of Local Self-Government in The Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia – with special emphasis on economic conditions and Hungarian atypical features. Economic Annals-XXI, 173(9-10), 10-18. doi: https://doi.org/10.21003/ea.V173-02