Economic Annals-ХХІ

ISSN 1728-6220 (Print)

ISSN 1728-6239 (Online)


Volume 94, Issue 1-2

March 11, 2008



Valeriy Litvickiy
About external payment position of Ukraine 3-13

Pavlo Unguryan
Mechanism of realization of Ukraine’s ecologic policy improvement in the context of sustainable development 14-17


Implementation of Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration model: role of the High school
Workshop, Kyiv, December 18, 2007 18-20

Michael Duray
Security as the element of the culture in the relations between countries 20-21

Borys Parakhonskyi
Features of Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration model realization in the modern social-political conditions 22-23

Vladyslava Bondarenko
Ukraine and NATO relations in the context of state interests and national security protection 24-25

Serhiy Dzherdzh
Organizing of the informational-educational activity about Euro-Atlantic integration in Ukrainian regions 26-27

Petro Sauh
Ukraine’s course to enter NATO and formation youth’s outlook orientation: experience of Zhytomyr State University 27-28

Olexandr Krapivin
Forming of Euro-Atlantic orientation among the students of eastern region: experience of Donetsk National University 29-30

Mykhaylo Bagmet
Implementation of Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration model among the youth of southern region: experience of Mykolaiyv State Humanitarian University 31-32

Andriy Didenko
About some aspects of youth policy in Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Ukraine 32-34


Models of administrative-territorial reforms in Ukraine: comparative analysis and estimation of effectiveness
Working meeting of Coordination Bureau and Committee of the All-Ukrainian Council of Mayors, Kyiv, February 1, 2008 35-38

European prospect of Ukrainian cities in the context of Polish experience (by the example of Feodosiya city)
International scientific-practical conference, Feodosiya, November 6-7, 2007 39-42

Ryszard Sosnowski (Poland).
Opportunities of local community self-sufficient development: Polish experience of reforms 42-43

Artur Mackiewicz (Poland).
Practical experience of self-governing in Poland 44-45

Janusz Gromek (Poland).
New role of local self-governing bodies in the conditions of Eurointegration: Polish experience 45-46

Oleh Soskin
Role and consolidation of mayors in implementing of local self-government reform in Ukraine 46-48

Serhiy Davydenko
European lessons of state power decentralization: different approaches of state and self-governmental bodies to the administrative reform (financial aspect) 49-51

Artem Filipenko
Local self-government reform in the context of Ukraine’s European integration 51-53

Administrative-territorial reform: Poland experience and opportunities of its usage in Ukraine
Ukrainian-Polish round table, Feodosiya, November 7, 2007 54-56

Feodosiya (Ukraine) and Kolobrzeg (Poland) signed the Treaty about cities partnership
Official visit of Feodosiya city delegation to Poland 56