Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 204, Issue (7-8), Pages: 45-49

Citation information:
Bosquez, V. A., Chávez, G. S., Dávila, D. D. S., & Guamán, C. P. (2023). Rural tourism prospects on the example of communities of Parroquia Salinas in Guaranda, Ecuador. Economic Annals-XXI, 204(7-8), 45-49. doi:

Veronica Arcos Bosquez
MA (Tourism),
Tourism and Hospitality Career,
Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Business Management and Information Technology,
State University of Bolívar
Km 3, 1/2 sector Alpachaca, Guaranda, Bolívar, Ecuador

Germán Sánchez Chávez
MA (Tourism),
Tourism and Hospitality Career,
Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Business Management and Information Technology,
State University of Bolívar
Km 3, 1/2 sector Alpachaca, Guaranda, Bolívar, Ecuador

Dolly Del Salto Dávila
MA (Tourism),
Tourism and Hospitality Career,
Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Business Management and Information Technology,
State University of Bolívar
Km 3, 1/2 sector Alpachaca, Guaranda, Bolívar, Ecuador

Carlos Peña Guamán
MA (Tourism),
Tourism and Hospitality Career,
Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Business Management and Information Technology,
State University of Bolívar
Km 3, 1/2 sector Alpachaca, Guaranda, Bolívar, Ecuador

Rural tourism prospects on the example of communities of Parroquia Salinas in Guaranda, Ecuador

Abstract. Tourism plays a pivotal role in the global economy, contributing significantly to income generation, job opportunities, and new ventures. When managed responsibly and sustainably, it can minimize adverse impacts on the environment and cultural heritage while maximizing economic and social benefits. Ecuador since 1980s has been witnessing the emergence of community tourism as a developmental path for local communities residing in ancestral territories. It provided indigenous and peasant populations with self-management of their territories and resources, bolstering their income through community tourism initiatives. Salinas parish stands out with over 25 years of promoting rural tourism through community management. The communities involved, namely, Yacubiana, Natawa, Mulidiaguán, and Tigreurco, express a need to promote feasible ventures that foster economic and sustainable development. They aim to enhance their natural and cultural resources and offer complementary services such as cheese, chocolate, textiles, and more. Their goal is to improve the quality of life for residents while boosting tourist demand.

This research compiles data obtained through field observations, and we analyze the supply and demand characteristics of these communities of Ecuador. A diagnosis assesses their available resources that can be considered tourist attractions. Furthermore, a proposal is outlined, focusing on designing a tourist product tailored to the tourist profile and specifying the activities to be conducted in each community. The ultimate aim is to integrate these communities into the realm of community tourism and thereby enhance their overall development. It was evidenced that the tourists who visit maintain an age range of 30 to 40 years old, both men and women. They come from cities like: Quito, Ambato, Quevedo of Equador, while the foreign tourists come from France, Spain, and Germany. Tourists are mainly motivated by community tourism, visiting micro-enterprises where the process of elaboration of each product, which are known worldwide through its brand El Salinerito, are presented. An attempt is made to promote the tourist attractions that are being suitable for tourist visits.

Keywords: Tourism; Rural Tourism; Regional Development; Local Comunity; Local Brand; Attraction; Tourist Product; Visitor; Tourist Product; Equador; Salinas; Guaranda

JEL Classifications: Е24; Е41; Е64; I18; J28; J31

Acknowledgements and Funding: The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Contribution: The authors contributed equally to this work.

Data Availability Statement: The dataset is available from the authors upon request.



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Received 6.05.2023
Received in revised form 26.05.2023
Accepted 30.05.2023
Available online 27.08.2023