Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 108, Issue 5-6, Pages: 18-23

Citation information:
Zachosova, N. V. (2010). Mechanism of the investment guarantee fund creation as a subject of economic safety protection of the asset management company and securities traders in Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 18-23.

N. V. Zachosova

Mechanism of the investment guarantee fund creation as a subject of economic safety protection of the asset management company and securities traders in Ukraine

Abstract. The article analyses peculiarities of the process of a Guarantee Fund for investments in the stock market of Ukraine creation, the main task of which will be the investors protection from the risk of losing their invested assets and the Fund members defence against the danger of the shortfall and remove the owners trusted capital out of their management.

The mechanism of the Guarantee Fund for investments assets formation is offered, the areas of investment are classified.

The mechanism of distribution and use the accumulated funds of the investment guarantee fund is developed.

Keywords: Economic Security; Asset Management Companies; Securities Traders