Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 108, Issue 5-6, Pages: 28-31
Citation information:
Momot, A. I., & Akopova, V. G. (2010). Principles of construction defectless quality management system for competitive companies. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 28-31.
A. I. Momot,
V. G. Akopova
Principles of construction defectless quality management system for competitive companies
Abstract. The paper addresses the problem of management of product quality in manufacturing processes, which lies in the fact that high quality can not be achieved by focusing only on certain stages to ensure quality. The problems of many industrial enterprises are to develop a system of interrelated and interacting activities aimed at ensuring product quality, taking into account all factors affecting the quality of products. Scientific research on the application of the principles of flawless quality management system will partially solve the economic issues that contribute to improving not only the image and status of the enterprises, but also increase the growth efficiency of competitive companies.
Keywords: Flawless Quality Management System; Quality Control; Competitiveness