Tariff service operations of bank with the pay cards

Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 108, Issue 5-6, Pages: 42-47

Citation information:
Toporovska, A. M. (2010). Tariff service operations of bank with the pay cards. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 42-47. https://ea21journal.world/index.php/ea-v108-09/

A. M. Toporovska

Tariff service operations of bank with the pay cards

Abstract. In the article essence of tariff maintenance of operations of «Forum» bank is considered with the pay cards of artificial person’s physical and on the basis of determination of her constituents and their intercommunication. Theoretical generalizations are carried out and borne practical recommendations to the process of tariff maintenance of clients groups with different parameters and forming of optimum structure of client base on the whole, upgrading service and degree of satisfaction of clients by services «Forum» bank.

Keywords: Tariff Service; Tariffs of Bank; in-Clearing Cards; Credit Cards; International Pay Cards; Non-Cash Settlements