Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 109, Issue 7-8, Pages:

Citation information:
Matrusov, N. D., & Chudin, A. A. (2010). Methodological bases of the complete approach to management of fundamental regional systems «the population – economy – territory». Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8, 21-24.

N. D. Matrusov,

A. A. Chudin

Methodological bases of the complete approach to management of fundamental regional systems «the population – economy – territory»

Abstract. In this article, the methodological bases of indissoluble unity and interaction of three basic subsystems of the ability to live in a society are formulated: «the population – economy – nature (territory)»; the key problems and principles of management of these subsystems are determined; the role of public outlook, science and metatechnology in realization of the complete approach is shown for the revealed problems; the meaning of a category «geotrion» – as the essential idea of the given approach development .

Keywords: System «The Population – Economy – Territory»; Geotrion; Complete Approach; Orthodox Outlook