Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 116, Issue 9-10, Pages: 21-24

Citation information:
Otdielientsev, Y. О. (2011). Scientific and philosophical aspects of political socialization. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10, 21-24.

Y. О. Otdielientsev

Scientific and philosophical aspects of political socialization

Abstract. The author considered scientific and philosophical approaches to the study of political socialization which plays an important role in shaping the political system. The possibility of applying anthropological, system, axiological, system-determination approaches, as well as the theory of knowledge to this kind of research, and the connection of these approaches to the political science theories were shown. The historical and natural science aspects of the genesis of political consciousness, influence of axiological determinants on political perceptions and political socialization were explored.

Keywords: Philosophical Aspect; Political Socialization; Anthropological Approach; System Approach; Axiological Approach; Theory of Knowledge