Recommendations to Ukrainian party for initiatives and proposals formation in talks with NATO in the light of 20 years of cooperation between Ukraine and the Alliance

Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 119, Issue 3-4, Pages: 31-34

Citation information:
Dzherdzh, S. F. (2012). Recommendations to Ukrainian party for initiatives and proposals formation in talks with NATO in the light of 20 years of cooperation between Ukraine and the Alliance. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4, 31-34.

S. F. Dzherdzh

Recommendations to Ukrainian party for initiatives and proposals formation in talks with NATO in the light of 20 years of cooperation between Ukraine and the alliance

Abstract. This article assesses the practical achievements in the NATO-Ukraine cooperation, analyzed the achievements of 20-year collaboration of our country with NATO, reasonably current state of relations between Ukraine and NATO, proposed directive to the President of Ukraine V. Yanukovych and Ukrainian delegations to create initiatives and proposals for the NATO Summit in Chicago May 20-21, 2012.

Keywords: NATO; Alliance; Cooperation; Partnership; Security Policy; Non-Alignment; Summit