Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 124, Issue 11-12(2), Pages: 6-10

Citation information:
Savchenko, I. (2012). Conceptual approaches to estimation of competitive relations regulation system in globalization conditions. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(2), 6-10.

Ivan Savchenko

Conceptual approaches to estimation of competitive relations regulation system in globalization conditions

Abstract. An author’s approach is offered to the evaluation of integral level of the system of adjusting of competition relations on the basis of standardization of primary indexes, systematized in objective-making blocks: adjusting of competition and forming of terms for rational activity and realization of public values. Approbation of the offered approach allowed to identify the groups of countries by the level of adjusting of competition relations and define their regulatory systems’ qualitative characteristics.

Keywords: Competition Relations Adjusting System; Market Development; Global Space; Information and Communication Technologies; Intellectual-Innovative Potential