Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 126, Issue 1-2(2), Pages: 11-13
Citation information:
Starikova, O. (2013). Methodological approaches to assessing the efficiency of the region’s resource potential. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(2), 11-13.
Olha Starikova
PhD Student,
Eastern Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dal, Lugansk, Ukraine
Methodological approaches to assessing the efficiency of the region’s resource potential
Abstract. Social and economic development of the country mostly depends on the efficiency of resource potential in the region that is why the article reflects the necessity to define methods of qualitative assessment to overcome the crisis and identify promising areas of the region. The author proposes the model of the comprehensive evaluation of resource potential for quality regional control.
Keywords: Region; Method of Evaluation; Efficiency; Resource Potential
JEL Classification: R10; R13; Q20; Q30
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Received 08.01.2013