Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 128, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 3-6

Citation information:
Khalina, O. (2013). The problems of intellect and spirituality development under the influence of the financial-intellectual power domination in the world economic system. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(2), 3-6.

Olga Khalina
Post-Graduate Student,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine

The problems of intellect and spirituality development under the influence of the financial-intellectual power domination in the world economic system

Abstract. The article is devoted to the definition of the new tendencies of development of the civilization, which are a need to credit with spiritual-cultural, ideological priorities and problems. The impact of the domination of the financial-intellectual power in the new world order on the spiritual- ideological environment of the human activity is discovered: it is the contradiction between the spiritual impoverishment of the «free market», which gives rise to power of finances, and spiritual foundations of the existence of various civilizations. The tendencies to the absolute financial-intellectual power under the conditions of globalization are exposed. Only the change of the philosophy of the life of humanity (more spirituality, morality, intelligence – less consumption) will lead to the weakening of the financial and intellectual power in the world in conditions of globalization.

Keywords: Financial-Intellectual Power; Intellectual-Computer Technologies; Spiritual Power; Inspired Intellect; Manipulation of Consciousness

JEL Classification: A13; F01; F02; Z10


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Received 20.03.2013