Development of the academic activity for the improvement of the foreign students integration in Latvia

Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 129, Issue 5-6(1), Pages: 26-29

Citation information:
Golubkova, T., & Golubkova, K. (2013). Development of the academic activity for the improvement of the foreign students integration in Latvia. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(1), 26-29.

Tatiana Golubkova
PhD (Economics),
Baltic International Academy,
Head of EBSI International Programme, Riga, Latvia

Kristina Golubkova
PhD Student,
Baltic International Academy,
Lecturer of Latvian Business College,
Director of Entrepreneurship Programme, Riga, Latvia

Development of the academic activity for the improvement of the foreign students integration in Latvia

Abstract. The authors prove reasonably that to solve the problem of the foreign students integration process in Latvia is possible by the means of development and implementation of the project on the creation of a new organization – the International Student Complex «ISC Life», geographically located in the Vidzeme suburb of the capital of Latvia, which is a place of the greatest concentration of the higher educational institutions. The new organization «ISC Life» will promote the development of the academic activity, improving the integration of the foreign students in the Latvian society.

Keywords: Academic Activity; Integration of Foreign Students; Commodity Portfolio; Strategies; Geographical Segment

JEL Classification: M13


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Received 14.04.2013