Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 129, Issue 5-6(1), Pages: 71-74

Citation information:
Knyazeva, Ο., & Doysan, Ν. (2013). Sustainable development of the telecommunication enterprise assessment. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(1), 71-74.

Olena Knyazeva
D.Sc. (Economics),
Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications named after A. S. Popov, Ukraine

Natalya Doysan
Post-Graduate Student,
Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications named after A. S. Popov, Ukraine

Sustainable development of the telecommunication enterprise assessment

Abstract. In modern conditions the need for sustainable development of the national economy, sectors of economic activity and specific businesses actualizes, particularly the communication industry as one of the leading and fastest growing sectors of the Ukrainian economics. The authors propose an approach to the assessment of sustainability of the communication enterprise in which all the factors affecting its sustainable development are grouped into internal and external. Factors of external sustainability are: economic, social, political, legal and risk-relevant. The factors characterizing internal stability are: organizational, technological, human, economic, financial.

For each factor, a functional subsystem of parameters for numerical values has been worked out. On the basis of the estimates for each indicator, the indicator is determined by the total score (with weights), and the integral evaluation of internal and external stability is defined as the weighted average. Major scale intervals of stability have been formed.

Keywords: Telecommunication Enterprise; Sustainable Development; Estimation System

JEL Classification: L96; F43


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Received 21.04.2013