Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 130, Issue 5-6(2), Pages: 51-53
Citation information:
Prudnikova, I. (2013). Problems of informational support for diagnostics of organizational structures in enterprises management quality. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(2), 51-53.
Iryna Prudnikova
Post-Graduate Student,
Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovskyi, Ukraine
Informational support for diagnostics of organizational structures in enterprises management quality
Abstract. Information is a crucial competitive factor, the basis for management decisions and many business processes. It is impossible to conduct diagnostics of quality of organizational structures of enterprises management (OSM) without information, which results in the relevance of scientific research.
The purpose of the study is to outline the range of problems of information support of OSM quality diagnostic and to develop propositions for their solution.
Information support of analysis should be viewed as a system and as a process. On the one hand, information support of diagnostics of OSM quality is the system of data selected from sources according to certain criteria in order to transfer information about OSM to users for evaluation of its quality. From the other hand, it is the process of selection, storage, processing and transmission of information about OSM. For the purpose of information support of diagnostics of OSM quality, we should select the following types of information: organizational and administrative, planning, accounting, control, research.
The problems of informational support of diagnostics of OSM quality and ways of solving them are: organizational – process improvement in documentation of OSM, improved methods of information provision process diagnostics; socio-psychological and ethical nature – held a coaching with managers of all levels; methodical – improving the mechanisms and algorithms for the selection process, the quality and relevance of information storage.
According to the research, we have come to the following conclusions: the definition of «information support of diagnostics of OSM quality» as a system and as a process was given; five types of information which support the diagnostics of OSM quality were identified; problems of informational support of OSM analysis were outlined as having organizational, methodological, socio-psychological and ethical character. The measures to successfully overcome them were proposed.
Keywords: Organizational Structure of Management; Informational Support of Diagnostics; Types of Information; Sources of Information
JEL Classification: D21; D83; M19
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Received 26.04.2013