Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 131, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 18-21
Citation information:
Begma, V., & Skliar, N. (2013). Impact of export control functions on the level of national security of the state. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 18-21.
Vitalіу Begma
D.Sc. (Economics),
Assistant Professor,
National Institute for Strategic Studies of the President of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Nadiya Skliar
Senior Lecturer,
Zaporizhzhia Institute of Economics and Information Technologies, Ukraine
Impact of export control functions on the level of national security of the state
Abstract. Introduction. Export control constitutes a part of maintaining national and international security within general set of international and national legal measures as to solving strategic stability issues, taking into account aspects of terrorist threat neutralization. Ukrainian and foreign specialists tried to formulate a concept of economic security, define its constituents and threats, evaluate the most important consequences of these threats to economic security, and outline strategy and specific measures of economic security maintaining. However, none of such concepts includes such an important and influential factor for economic security of the state as export control. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to define export control as regulator of economic security of the state within national security, as well as objective prerequisites of impact of certain groups of factors on a level of economic security of the state.
Results. Export control constitutes a part of national security policy of the state which has an impact on resolution of political, economic, and military issues. It defines component structure of national security model evaluation. Export control system includes certain functions, such as the following: budget function, as export control is one of regulators of economic security; social function which is reflected in level of employment in processes in military and technical enterprises at a national level as well as at regional and local levels; technical and innovational function which is reflected in implementation of new technologies, usage of military goods and dual-usage goods; political and legal function which involves compliance with standards of international security and fulfillment of obligations assumed by the state as to compliance with non-proliferation regimes.
Conclusion. Export control system as an instrument of regulation of economic security of the state consists of international regulatory acts, namely non-proliferation regimes, and national regime of control over military goods and dual-usage goods. It is controlled by state regulatory authorities (The President, The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, the State Service of Export Control of Ukraine, customs services, security and intelligence services), using opinions of expert institutions for commodity identification. Elements of export control system at the level of corporate and industrial management include intra-organizational control of major holdings and sub-holdings as well as intra-organizational control of enterprises, institutions, and organizations of defense-industry complex. Proposed logical and structural framework of «export control system» concept defines an impact of export control on component structure of national security model evaluation. Control over transfer of vital advanced developments and technologies to foreign countries and optimization of time expenditures during tracking of international transfers of military goods and dual-usage goods is one of the most sensitive branches of export control system, further study of which may lead to stabilization of certain indicators of economic security of the state.
Keywords: National Security; Economic Security; Export Control System; the Functions of Export Control
JEL Classification: H56; H19; F42; H79; K33
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Received 24.06.2013