Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 132, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 17-20

Citation information:
Yakymchuk, S. (2013). Foreign experience in the field of environmental protection. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(2), 17-20.

Sоfia Yakymchuk
Post-Graduate Student,
National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use
11 Sobornaya St, Rivne, 33028, Ukraine

Foreign experience in the field of environmental protection

Abstract. The aim of the article is to analyze the international experience of environmental regulation, including economic instruments and methods of environmental management, and the possibility of its application to improve the current system of environmental management activities in Ukraine. The article deals with environmental management techniques used in developed countries, including economic instruments of environmental management.

We summarize the experience of the state environmental management in such countries as the USA, Japan, the UK and other countries around the world. We analyze the environmental programs and the legal framework for the environmental protection. We considered environmental taxes applicable in the European Union. In the current economic mechanism system of Ukraine mechanisms of financing environmental protection and preferential taxation do not function. Therefore, to improve the current system of environmental taxation of Ukraine, we should establish environmental activity taxes on environmentally harmful production and consumption of goods, introduce preferential loans and elaborate system of tax benefits for enterprises, set limits on emissions and discharges of pollutants, increase tax rates of above-limit and introduce a tax on noise effects.

Keywords: Environmental Protection; Environmental Activities; Economic Instruments; Environmental Taxes

JEL Classification: Q57


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Received 31.05.2013