Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 132, Issue 7-8(2), Pages: 60-63

Citation information:
Staverska, T. (2013). Informative capacity of the enterprise’s financial results report. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(2), 60-63.

Tetiana Staverska
Senior Lecturer,
Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade
333 Klochkivska St, Kharkiv, 61051, Ukraine

Informative capacity of the enterprise’s financial results report

Abstract. Introduction the financial results are difficult economic category, concentrated at generalizing the result of operation of the business and the economy as a whole. Indicators of financial condition of the company show the need for improvement of financial results of the company representing communicative information, a system for collecting, transmitting, processing and storing information about the object of management. Therefore, the problem of assessing the information capabilities of income statement is important for management. Purpose to determine the nature of «information capacity» of income statement and to justify the recommendations for its expansion in order to meet the needs of enterprise’s management. Methods a systematic approach, critical assessment regulations, functional analysis, formalization, identification ties. Results the article provides a critical evaluation of syntactic, semantic, pragmatic concepts of profit from the standpoint of its formation and disclosures in the financial statements. Global practice of the statement of profit and loss formation was generalized. An author’s definition of information capacity of financial results report was given. Valid recommendations to increase the information capacity of Ukrainian financial results report are represented. Conclusion the information capacity of the income statement is a set of properties that contribute to the possibility of its usage for the effective implementation of certain management functions (monitoring, analysis, planning) based on a representative, complete, essential information about the financial results. Ukrainian reporting of financial results generally corresponds to the concepts of profit. It is essential to use the full syntactic concepts appropriate to the activities as the basis for differentiation of revenues, expenditures and financial results.

Keywords: Informative Capacity; Report; Financial Results; Concepts; Recommendations

JEL Classification: G30; G32


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Received 13.06.2013