Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 133, Issue 9-10(1), Pages: 46-49

Citation information:
Yagelska, K. (2013). Features of the economic energy of the country. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(1), 46-49.

Kateryna Yagelska
PhD (Economics),
Senior Lecturer,
Hab. Doctorate Seeker,
Donetsk National Technical University
58 Artema St., Donetsk, 83001, Ukraine

Features of the economic energy of the country

Abstract. In the scientific literature the interest in the analysis of economic processes and concepts based on the energy approach is periodically increasing, but still the energy approach remains largely unexplored. Particularly relevant in the context of this issue is the problem of economic development, more and more often described with energy structures.

The purpose of the article is to investigate the features of the economic energy of the country and determine the quality of the influence of energy balance on its economic development.

The nature of the present socio-economic system is due to the laws of energy and entropy. Economic energy as an array of energies that determine the qualitative and quantitative status of the economic system and causing the transformation of its structure by changing the spatial and temporal arrangement of the system’s elements has the following attributes: the lack of a specific material form; poly-structuring and multi-factoriality; mediation of action and movement in space (with the help of appropriate objects); the need of availability and expenditure to achieve the desired result; a final global significance of resource.

Mass of the economic system can be represented by a set of masses of the elements that form the economic system. Economic energy is a kind of matrix of «subenergies». Each «subenergy» will depend on the fluctuation of its string, which at a certain point in time has power, or is characterized by dissipativity. In the case of the economic balance of energy and entropy in the open economic system, there is a «linear» development, which is a paradox. This indicates a potential energy of the system and stagnation. Economic development of the country is observed only in condition of the potential economic energy conversion into kinetic one, i.e. the country with an open economy needs a dynamic energy balance for the economic development. Economic energy generating depends on economic life, beginning from the population.

Economic energy management through its carriers would provide qualitative transformation of the system and maintain the system in a dynamic equilibrium. Among carriers of economic energy we distinguish technological point, experience, intellectual capital, goodwill, money supply, and resource capital, spiritual and cultural component, political stability.

Keywords: Development; Economic Energy; Entropy; Balance; System; Management

JEL Classification: О11; Е60; H10; P40


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Received 20.08.2013