Competitive socio-economic systems development

Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 133, Issue 9-10(1), Pages: 57-60

Citation information:
Sudomyr, S. (2013). Competitive socio-economic systems development. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(1), 57-60.

Svitlana Sudomyr
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Berezhany Agrotechnical Institute
20 Academic St., Berezhany, 47501, Ternopil Region, Ukraine

Competitive socio-economic systems development

Abstract. Introduction. The stable functioning of socio-economic systems and their strategic competitiveness may be provided within both temporal and spatial aspects thereof by their dynamic development in accordance with the synergistic system-integrated approach. To achieve this goal and to ensure the development of socio-economic systems, a new approach toward theoretical-methodological regulations may be required. Purpose. 1. To evaluate the current state of scientific approaches toward building efficient systems of socio-economic development. 2. To identify relevant problems and formulate the author’s own vision of a new paradigm of methodological principles to promote the organizational development. Methods. According to the purpose having been set, the following methods have been used: dialectical, system-integrated, monographic and abstract logical ones.

Results. The author examines the development of socio-economic systems within the context of a comprehensive human-oriented plan, with the improvement of humans’ well-being as a principal goal. Proceeding from the understanding of the scientists’ viewpoints on the nature of the «development» concept, the author drew the conclusion that this interpretation is incomplete. The author proposed her own conceptualization of the essence of the latter notion. The development of socio-economic systems should be considered as a temporally constant yet progressively varying process of organizational and managerial change aimed at improving humans’ quality of life and organizational units’ efficiency based on the balanced and synergistic approach toward ecological, social and economic factors’ development.

Ecological factor should be considered as the main condition of human life. The economic component should be viewed as a functional-providing factor of human development implementing itself by promoting a healthy environmental and social climate of the main subject of nature.

In this context it is worthwhile to view social development as an organic unity of environmental, social, human and economic development. This approach is a primary methodological basis for the conceptualization of general socio-economic groups’ development management within the following areas: at the strategic, innovative, institutional, and macro-economic level of national economy; within regional-level administrative units (at the district and regional levels); for territorial and business entities of different ownership regimes. The efficient development at all hierarchical levels will be determined by their balance and harmony rate. The systems of social, social labor, proprietary, relations require a harmonized and balanced development. This can be achieved by establishing a balanced relationship between centralization and decentralization, by developing at all levels of the management system: via macro and micro level intergovernmental regulation at the level of the national economy and regional self-development at the level of the administrative units; under the supervision of respective interregional bodies and regional institutions. The qualitative changes have to occur in the interrelationship between regulation and self-regulation in agricultural companies as well. However, it should be noted that the large-scale forced privatization has exacerbated this problem. The workforce has been distanced from the governance and management processes, which makes the utilization of employees’ intellectual potential rather incomplete.

The main issue here is the relationship between the state and the business, the village community and the business.

The management of organizational change has its peculiarities and depends on: types and directions of development; organizational patterns; behaviour and reaction patterns; reorganization – restructuring and integration – diversification processes; patterns of entrepreneurial and organizational culture.

Within the course of efficient development management of competitively oriented socio-economic systems, one should take account of the comprehensive theoretical-methodological principles of general economic theory, development theory, the systems theory, as well as those of some locally functional theory: the innovative development theory, the competition theory, the strategic development theory, the behaviour systems theory, the management theory, the organizational development theory, the theory of organization’s interactions, the value theory, the business ethics theory, the self-regulation theory, etc.

This approach may provide a basis for general development of socio-economic systems based on harmonious combination of public, regional, entrepreneurial, and personal interests.

Conclusion. One should consider a general process of organic unity of economic, social, environmental and human development aimed at living standards’ increase as the primary methodological basis for the formation of efficient development management for competitively oriented socio-economic systems.

The priority of a human being as the main subject of nature with its civilized interests should be the main guideline for determining the directions of competitively oriented socio-economic systems and their management’s evaluation.

The development of competitively oriented socio-economic systems can be guaranteed via an integrated approach using both the theoretical-methodological framework and locally-functional economic theories within a single framework.

The main directions of the development of the socio-economic entities in their integrity should encompass an organic unity of macroeconomic, regional, territorial, industrial, economic structures and functional hierarchical levels.

Keywords: Development; Synergy; People; Systems; Competitiveness

JEL Classification: О10


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Received 02.09.2013