Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 133, Issue 9-10(1), Pages: 60-64
Citation information:
Kryvoviaziuk, I. (2013). Implementation of a matrix approach to management of enterprise’s logistic development based on a concept of «demand-driven techniques». Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10(1), 60-64.
Ihor Kryvoviaziuk
PhD (Economics),
Lutsk National Technical University
75 Lvivska St., Lutsk, 43018, Ukraine
Implementation of matrix approach to management of enterprise’s logistic development based on a concept of «demand-driven techniques»
Abstract. It is impossible to develop and to implement perfect for all enterprises system of logistic development management. Because every company sets its own strategic objectives, taking into account possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of internal logistic system. Logistic concept «Demand-Driven Techniques» (DDT) usage allows accelerating enterprise’s reaction on changes in demand and keeping up with market demands, being ahead of competitors and conquer new markets. Management of logistic development based on DDT concept is realized due to matrix approach. The author proposes such a model based on two criteria: turnover of inventories and efficiency of sales logistics. Its usage allows to clearly choosing logistic-sales strategy for the enterprise development (for 60% of investigated enterprises it is a strategy of AR – «automatic replenishment of stocks», for 40% – QR – «Quick response»). As a result, effect of logistics usage for logistic-marketing processes far exceeds the additional benefit of business entities from the optimal organization of management.
Keywords: Enterprise; Strategy; Development; Logistics; DDT Concept
JEL Classification: D21; M31
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Received 27.08.2013