Evaluating of tourism enterprises marketing activities effectiveness

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 136, Issue 11-12(2), Pages: 64-66

Citation information:
Muzychka, Ye, (2013). Evaluating of tourism enterprises marketing activities effectiveness. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12(2), 64-66. https://ea21journal.world/index.php/ea-v136-17/

Yelyzaveta Muzychka
Post-Graduate Student,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19 Kioto St., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

Evaluating of tourism enterprises marketing activities effectiveness

Abstract. Sales management of tourism enterprises is provided by the functions of planning, organization, motivation; sales control must be carried out with a maximum efficiency. Methodology to estimate efficiency of sales management of tourism enterprises is proposed in the research paper; and it is represented by efficiency estimate model which includes estimation of internal and external efficiency of sales and its components – estimated of efficiency of a distribution channel, efficient sales in terms of the seller and buyer of tourist services.

The major criteria for estimating the efficiency of sales are increasing of the number of customers (consumers), the volume of services sold and the development of regional offices. Indicators for efficiency estimating of sales management are increase of enterprise’s profitability, increase of market share at regional and national level.

Efficiency indexes of sales management are those of determining the market share of touristic enterprises (national market share, marketing attractiveness, competition rate, market concentration index, Rosenbluth Index) and indicators of tourism enterprises marketing expenditures effectiveness determining (market share growth, market increase rate, marketing costs increase rate and other).

Application of the author’s worked out methods and evaluation indicators allow businesses to choose the most efficient type of sales management among alternative ones.

Keywords: Sales Management; Effectiveness; Efficiency; Cost Effectiveness; Evaluation Model

JEL Classification: D21; D61; L84; M30


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Received 12.10.2013