Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 139, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 20-22
Citation information:
Yeskov, O., & Erfort, I. (2014). Analysis of the Ukrainian steam coal market structure. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 20-22.
Oleksiy Yeskov
D.Sc. (Economics),
Donbass State Engineering Academy
72 Shkadinov Str., Kramatorsk town, Donetsk region, 84313, Ukraine
Iryna Erfort
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Donbass State Engineering Academy
72 Shkadinov Str., Kramatorsk town, Donetsk region, 84313, Ukraine
Analysis of the Ukrainian steam coal market structure
Abstract. The researches of industrial market structures in developed countries have a strong influence on both determination and execution of government economic policy. Today the energetic safety of Ukraine depends on the coal production, that is why analysis of the Ukrainian coal market is very important. The segments of steam and coking coal markets should be considered as separate industrial markets, because of the variety of the spheres where coal is using nowadays, as well as differences in quality characteristics of coal and its natural stocks, trends of production, export and import in Ukraine.
The purpose of the article consists of providing the analysis of the Ukrainian steam coal market according to the modern methodological foundations of the industrial market analysis and developing proposals for its improvement. In the article, the Ukrainian steam coal market is classified by different characteristics. Thus, it is considered as closed, because of the difficulty for legal entry; organized, because of existing within it mechanisms of the supply and demand regulation; developed, because of the high level of its maturity. The privatization of the Ukrainian coal enterprises resulted in increasing Donbass Fuel-Energy Company’s share in coal production to 63%, so that the domestic coal market should be considered as a market with high concentration. The vertical integration, which covers coal mining, coal enriching, production of electricity and selling electricity to consumers, is an important feature of the Ukrainian steam coal market.
It is concluded that the concentration of the domestic steam coal market doesn’t lead to the effective industry development, but rises the potential threat to energy security. The industrial restructuring in order to increase competition, banning of illegal mining and the effective use of state support are suggested.
Keywords: Structure of Industrial Market; Steam Coal; Government Policy; Level of Concentration; Vertical Integration
JEL Classification: L10; L71
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Received 14.01.2014