Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 151, Issue 5-6, Pages: 11-14
Citation information:
Flissak, C. (2015). European milestones for Ukraine’s economic diplomacy diversification. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 11-14.
Constantine Flissak
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
64/13 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
European milestones for Ukraine’s economic diplomacy diversification
Abstract. Introduction. The volumes of Ukrainian producers’ output on the markets of the European Union depend on the country’s availability and development of export potential and the implementation of measures to support and promote Ukrainian foreign trade activity. In scientific literature such activity is known as economic diplomacy.
Purpose. The study of experience of functioning of economic diplomacy in the EU countries has the task to determinate the necessity of deployment the effective system of Ukrainian economic diplomacy. Results. Taking into consideration the history and the dynamics of the EU formation, the article describes practical experience of both the EU member states and the states that joined it later. We have chosen Germany, France, Poland, Romania and Croatia for our study. After joining the EU, the member states have intensified the use of mechanisms and tools of economic diplomacy. From the point of view of Ukraine, we have drawn attention to the synchronicity of events: all of the countries after joining the European Union began an active deployment of economic diplomacy system. Also it is necessary for Ukraine to adapt at the sphere of national economic diplomacy to European standards; the analysis of models of economic diplomacy of the EU serves as a guideline for its development concerning its directions and subject interests, forms and methods, bases and conditions, support mechanisms, development and incentives.
Conclusion. Economic diplomacy is an important tool of promotion of economic interests of the state in the EU countries. There is a significant lack of support for Ukraine with its problems in the development of contacts with foreign partners from the public authorities. That’s why the restoration of Ukraine’s institutions of economic diplomacy, which are the foreign economic representative offices abroad, is required. Despite the experience, which is different in individual countries, the form of such representations may be subject to scientific discussion in the future. On condition that there is an appropriate quality of human capacity and an appropriate functional content, the renaissance of Ukrainian economic diplomacy in the long term would accelerate recovery of losses and advance Ukraine to new positions in the international economic arena.
Keywords: Economic Diplomacy; Foreign Economic Activity; European Union; Poland; Romania; Germany; France; Croatia
JEL Classification: F200; F420; H110
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Received 20.04.2015