Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 151, Issue 5-6, Pages: 90-93

Citation information:
Davydenko, N. (2015). Modern paradigm of agrarian units’ financial security assessment. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 90-93.

Nadiia Davydenko
D.Sc. (Economics),
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
15 Rodimtsev Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine

Modern paradigm of agrarian units’ financial security assessment

Abstract. It is established that the basic elements related to the development of methodological approaches to defining the financial threat to agrarian units are the degree of transactors’ protection from the impact of negative factors, the ability to timely remove threats, minimization of destabilizing effects on the financial state of the agrarian units, the guarantee of effective use of financial resources for further sustainable financial performance. It is proved that to assess the level of financial security of agrarian units, one should use traditional indicators for assessing the financial state, including liquidity, the level of financial stability, business activity and profitability. The methodological approach is based on the minimized cumulative damage criterion. Evaluation tools of financial security of enterprises are offered in a flowchart that shows optimum use of material and information resources and an adequate level of financial security of agrarian units under existing economic relations, organizational communications, internal and external influences. The application of the offered methodological tools enables to timely identify and effectively respond to deficiencies in financial activities, to create conditions necessary for the financial stability of the agrarian unit, to identify the factors that affect the stability of the financial system in a globalized economy, to achieve diversification, including the domestic capital market, through restructuring of the agrarian unit and exchange of specific management resources between strategic management zones. The author presents agrarian unit as an object of modeling with its quantitative and qualitative characteristics which make it possible to control costs per unit of output, to use the latest technologies to minimize utilization of financial resources. Such an approach makes it possible to achieve sustainability of financial security, to provide a new understanding of market behavior as of a strategic element which determines possibilities of competitive agrarian units, new organizational structures and provides technological capabilities due to the conservation and efficient use of available production potential of agrarian units.

Keywords: Agrarian Unit; Financial Security; Approach; Rate; Coefficient; Standard; Economic and Organizational Model

JEL Classification: Q13; B41; C13


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Received 01.05.2015