Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 152, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 40-44

Citation information:
Bondar, T., Matvieieva, Yu., & Myroshnychenko, Iu. (2015). Assessment of the social, ecologic and economic development of machine building enterprises. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 40-44.

Tetiana Bondar
PhD (Economics),
Sumy State University
2 Rymskoho-Korsakova Str., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine

Yuliia Matvieieva
PhD (Economics),
Sumy State University
2 Rymskoho-Korsakova Str., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine

Iuliia Myroshnychenko
PhD (Economics),
Senior Lecturer,
Sumy State University
2 Rymskoho-Korsakova Str., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine

Assessment of the social, ecologic and economic development of machine building enterprises

Abstract. Introduction. For industrial enterprises of Ukraine functioning under the conditions of increasing competition, uncertainty and dynamics of external environment, adherence to the interrelation principles of enterprises’ socio-ecology-economic subsystems development in their dialectical unity and integrity becomes the key factor of their competitive ability.

Purpose. This research is aimed at formation of the theoretical and methodical bases of the assessment of enterprises’ socio-ecology-economic development.

Methods. While conducting this research, the following methods were used: methods of structural analysis and grouping for complex diagnostics of enterprises’ socio-ecology-economic development; calculation and analytical methods for assessing enterprises’ ecologically oriented competitive ability.

Results. The article offers theoretical and methodical statements on the assessment of socio-ecology-economic development of machine building enterprises. Interrelation and conditionality in enterprises’ socio-ecology-economic development level relevant to its strategic competitive ability are determined. The methodology of calculating an indicator of ecologically oriented competitive ability, which is a criterion of the enterprise development balance, has been grounded. The offered methodical approaches were approbated while at determining of socio-ecology-economic development rate of the public corporation «Research and production joint-stock company VNDIkompresormash». The value of the enterprise’s ecologically oriented competitive ability was 0.82 in 2014, or 0.73 without taking into account the ecological factor.

Conclusion. The offered methodical approach to the complex diagnostics of enterprises’ socio-ecology-economic development on the basis of the integral and partial indexes of socio-ecology-economic development, can be used for enterprises’ socio-economic development planning and for investment objects determination. Methodical approaches to the assessment of ecologically oriented competitive ability can be used by manufacturing enterprises of different branches of industry with the aim of forming an organizational and economic mechanism of competitive ability, taking into account sources of enterprises’ self-development, their project model expediency, enterprises’ system sustainability, directivity and regularity of its development, importance of enterprises’ adaptation to the influence of external environment factors and the social value of enterprises’ production.

Keywords: Socio-ecology-economic Development; Social Development Index; Economic Development Index; Ecological Development Index; Competitive Ability; Ecologically Oriented Competitive Ability

JEL Classіfіcatіon: L6; C2


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Received 6.05.2015