Specific features of integration and convergence of territorial economic system

Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 154, Issue 9-10, Pages: 83-86

Citation information:
Gasuda, L. (2015). Specific features of integration and convergence of territorial economic systems. Economic Annals-XXI, 9-10, 83-86. https://ea21journal.world/index.php/ea-v154-19/

Lesya Gasuda
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Uzhhorod National University
46 Pidhirna Str., Uzhhorod, 88000, Ukraine

Specific features of integration and convergence of territorial economic systems

Abstract. The sense of the concept «territorial economic system», its specific features, as well as convergence and integration processes taking place in different territorial economic systems at different stages of their development are studied in the paper. The investigated processes have been substantiated regarding managing and development of the mentioned systems through their elements such as the object and subject, objectives and managerial principles of convergence and integration. A consistent relation between convergence and integration processes at different stages of development of territorial economic systems has been defined and studied, starting from the process of divergence (as an prerequisite, where there is a considerable gap in economic development of the territories and absence of economic links within territorial systems), with further convergence resulting in strengthening of economic relations between the elements of the territorial system, harmonization of development indexes of territories and integration, basing on which sustainable economic links between the elements of the system are formed and the deepening of specialization of the economy of the territory takes place. This interrelation results in reaching balanced development of territorial economic system. Further, wev have outlined specific developmental features of integration and convergence processes of native territorial economic systems at the current stage.

Keywords: Convergence; Integration; Convergence and Intergation Processes; Territorial Economic System; Economic Links; Development of Territory

JEL Classіfіcatіon: Q1; Q2; Q5


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Received 23.09.2015