Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 158, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 75-78

Citation information:
Kyrychenko, K. (2016). Estimation of structural bank units’ territorial distribution in Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 158(3-4(2)), 75-78. doi:

Kateryna Kyrychenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Kherson National Technical University
24 Beryslavske shose Str., Kherson, 73008, Ukraine

Estimation of structural bank units’ territorial distribution in Ukraine

Abstract. Introduction. The ramified network of bank institutions provides migration of money facilities within the territory of Ukraine and provides access of economic agents to financial resources, creates conditions for economic development of individual territories and public welfare. Purpose. To conduct an analysis of the number of structural bank units in Ukraine on the territorial basis and determine different factors affecting the development and functioning of their networks. Results. A number of factors impact the distribution of structural bank units. Some factors promote geographical expansion of structural bank units, while others force to narrow the presence of banks in individual regions. Conclusions. There are several reasons behind the trends in reduction of the number of structural bank units. First of all, it is because of the annexation of the Crimea and the events in Donbas that forced to close banks in those territories. Secondly, it is the influence of the world financial crisis, a decline in business activity in Ukraine, a decrease in personal incomes and, as a result, a decline of profitability of banks. The reduction of the number of those structural bank units which have become unprofitable is one of the consequences of this process. Thirdly, it is a swift development of bank technologies, introduction of distant servicing remote service of clients, wide use of e-money, as well as the absence of need for the large number of structural bank units, which naturally conduces to the reduction of their number. Also, the policy of the National Bank of Ukraine aimed at the liquidation of small and financially unsteady banks has affected the number of banks in Ukraine.

Keywords: Bank; Structural Bank Unit; Banking System; Financial Resources; Policy of the National Bank of Ukraine

JEL Classіfіcatіon: G10; G21; G24



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Received 12.02.2016