Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 162, Issue 11-12, Pages: 38-42
Citation information:
Кolodiy, S., Hariaha, L., & Rudenko, M. (2016). Areas of improving Ukraine’s export potential in the formation of a new model of socio-economic development. Economic Annals-XXI, 162(11-12), 38-42. doi:
Serhii Кolodiy
D.Sc. (Economics),
State Higher Educational Institution Banking University Cherkasy Institute
164 Chornovil Str., Cherkasy, 18028, Ukraine
Lesia Hariaha
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
State Higher Educational Institution Banking University Cherkasy Institute
164 Chornovil Str., Cherkasy, 18028, Ukraine
Mykola Rudenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
State Higher Educational Institution Banking University Cherkasy Institute
164 Chornovil Str., Cherkasy, 18028, Ukraine
Areas of improving Ukraine’s export potential in the formation of a new model of socio-economic development
Abstract. Introduction. Strengthening Ukraine’s position in the world economy requires an effective mechanism for sustainable exports as a constituent element of international trade and national economic development based on available natural, financial and human resources taking into account the formation of a new model of socio-economic development.
The purpose of the article is to study the vectors of development of Ukraine’s export potential considering possible models of socio-economic development.
Results. The authors identify three stages of socio-economic development of Ukraine: deep and fairly prolonged time transformational recession in 1990-1998; renewable growth in 1999-2009; weak economic growth in 2010-2012 which passed into stagnation due to a significant decrease in prices in global resource markets in 2013-2015. It has been proved that the dynamics of Ukraine’s export commodity structure is characterised by resource orientation of the national economy because ferrous metals and crop production amount over a third of state revenues from foreign trade. The basic options for reforming the national model of socio-economic development in the medium term are described with regard to export opportunities of Ukraine.
Conclusions. The state should provide a constant growth of export potential in the long term due to both the development of new production and technological restructuring of traditional industries. In the short and medium term, there is appropriate contemporary development of four models of individual elements within specific regions taking into account available resources and the existing production base.
Keywords: Economy of Ukraine; Export Potential; Socio-economic Development; GDP; Institutional Transformation
JEL Classification: F47; O11
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Received 12.07.2016