Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 175, Issue 1-2, Pages: 68-72

Citation information:
Boiko, V., Kwilinski, A., Misiuk, M., & Boiko, L. (2019). Competitive advantages of wholesale markets of agricultural products as a type of entrepreneurial activity: the experience of Ukraine and Poland. Economic Annals-XXI, 175(1-2), 68-72. doi: 

Viktoriia Boiko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Kherson State Agricultural University
23 Stritenska Str., Kherson, 73006, Ukraine

Aleksy Kwilinski
PhD (Economics),
Institute for International Cooperation Development
24-26/1 Kazimierza Wielkiego Str., Poznan, 61-863, Poland;
The London Academy of Economics and Business
3rd Floor, 120 Baker Street, London, England, W1U 6TU, Great Britain

Mykola Misiuk
PhD (Economics),
Podolsk Agrarian Technical University
13 Shevchenko Str., 13, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Khmelnytskyi region, 32301, Ukraine

Liudmyla Boiko
PhD (Agricultural),
Associate Professor,
Kherson State Agricultural University
23 Stritenska Str., Kherson, 73006, Ukraine

Competitive advantages of wholesale markets of agricultural products as a type of entrepreneurial activity: the experience of Ukraine and Poland

Abstract. Wholesale markets of agricultural products are an important element of marketing infrastructure, and institutions at agrarian market make it possible to manage sales of bulk batches of agricultural products. The purpose of the research is to substantiate competitive advantages of wholesale markets as a type of entrepreneurial activity and benefits of the country from building a network of wholesale markets of agricultural products in Ukraine, as well as to examine and generalise the experience of the functioning of wholesale food markets in Poland. The research methods are abstract logical (theoretical generalisation of the research and substantiation of the conclusions), comparative (analysis of the current state of the development of wholesale markets of agricultural products in both Ukraine and Poland).

The paper substantiates competitive advantages of wholesale markets, distinguishes the main directions of the relative activity and describes the country’s benefits relating to building a network of wholesale markets of agricultural products in Ukraine. The main advantages of the functioning of wholesale markets are the quality of food products, price control, better budgeting, increasing competition at the consumer market, fast promotion of products to consumers and creation of new jobs. The study looks into the positive experience of the functioning of wholesale food markets in Poland. Based on the obtained results we draw a conclusion about the expediency of building a network of wholesale food markets as an important premise ensuring economic security of commodity producers and meeting the demand of consumers for high-quality food products.

Keywords: Competitive Advantages; Wholesale Market; Trade; Entrepreneurial Activity; Product Quality; Prices; Polish Stock Exchange

JEL Classification: D4; L26; Q13; Q21



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Received 29.03.2019