Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 176, Issue 3-4, Pages: 80-90

Citation information:
Popov, A., Koshkalda, I. Kniaz, O., & Trehub, O. (2019). Land fragmentation of agricultural enterprises in the context of administration of land. Economic Annals-XXI, 176(3-4), 80-90. doi:

Andriy Popov
D.Sc. (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Professor of the Land Management and Cadastre Department
V. V. Dokuchayev Kharkiv National Agrarian University
Dokuchayevske 2, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region, 62483, Ukraine

Iryna Koshkalda
D.Sc. (Economics),
Headof the Land Management and Cadastre Department
V. V. Dokuchayev Kharkiv National Agrarian University
Dokuchayevske 2, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region, 62483, Ukraine

Oleksandr Kniaz
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Associate Professorof the Land Management and Cadastre Department
V. V. Dokuchayev Kharkiv National Agrarian University
Dokuchayevske 2, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region, 62483, Ukraine

Olena Trehub
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor of the Land Management and Cadastre Department
V. V. Dokuchayev Kharkiv National Agrarian University
Dokuchayevske 2, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region, 62483, Ukraine

Land fragmentation of agricultural enterprises in the context of administration of land

Abstract. Introduction. Under the conditions of the excessive lease of the agricultural land in Ukraine, leasing is identified as a tool for amalgamation of land parcels into one field. However, the consequences of excessive land lease by the agricultural enterprises are both positive and negative. Often the negative consequences of such leasing lack attention from the part of policy makers and scientists.

The purpose of this study is to examine how the land administration system matches the land fragmentation and what problems are faced by agricultural enterprises when concluding lease contracts under the conditions of land fragmentation in Ukraine.

Results. The obtained data testify that the land administration system in Ukraine has signs of transparency and efficiency. However, the system of land administration does not meet the requirements of the ownership fragmentation in land use of agricultural enterprises. Thus, the registration of lease rights to hundreds of the land parcels requires considerable costs and time. The long-lasting registration of the lease rights to the land parcels forces the lessees to use them illegally during the registration procedure. It has been determined that the expenditures on the registration of the lease right to the state-owned land parcel are much lower in comparison with the registration of private parcels.

Conclusions. One of the ways to reduce the time and cost of the registration of land parcels and rights to them is to increase the size of the land parcel per one landowner, thus reducing the number of the leased parcels in the structure of the agricultural enterprise. It is convenient to introduce a special administrative service aimed at registering lease rights of agricultural enterprises.

Keywords: Land Fragmentation; Land Administration; Registration; Lease Right; Land Parcel; Costs

JEL Classification: Q15; Q10; R14; C49

Acknowledgements and Funding: The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Contribution: The authors contributed equally to this work.



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Received 10.03.2019
Received in revised form 29.03.2019
Accepted 5.04.2019
Available online 20.08.2019