Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 186, Issue 11-12, Pages: 48-57

Citation information:
Mayakova, A. (2020). Risk management of sociocultural process: digital revolution. Economic Annals-XXI, 186(11-12), 48-57. doi:

Anna Mayakova
PhD (Philosophy),
Research Fellow,
Department of Philosophy and Sociology,
Southwest State University
94, 50 Let Oktyabrya Str., Kursk, 305040, Russian Federation

Risk management of sociocultural process: digital revolution

Abstract. Risks and threats play an important role in the development of the sociocultural sphere, while risk management makes it possible to identify and predict them. In this regard, it is relevant, expedient and necessary to undertake an attempt to adapt the economic methodology of risk management to the sociocultural process by means of socio-humanitarian revision of risk management and the formation of an integrated model of sociocultural risk management based on the relevant methodology. Such a model will provide an opportunity for a more detailed approach to the process of assessing and controlling the occurrence of risk, as well as increasing the predictability of potential risk based on the accumulated scientific and practical knowledge and previous experience. The approach to the problem proposed by the author will expand the theoretical and methodological base not only of socio-humanitarian science, but also innovation, general management theory and the risk management methodology itself. The purpose of the paper is to define the specifics and main trends of risk management in relation to the sociocultural process, as well as assess the possibilities of applying this methodology for managing and preventing sociocultural risks. Basing on sociocultural and interdisciplinary approaches, risk management techniques, crisis concepts and the socio-technical landscape of digital reality, an integrated risk management model was formed in relation to the socio-cultural process. It will create an effective mechanism for predicting risk and reducing its impact on the sociocultural process, focused on solving the problems of stabilization and development of objects and processes, and can also be used as a tool in the procedure for making and implementing decisions in strategic planning and project management. Based on the results of this study, a set of main trends in risk management will be formulated in relation to the sociocultural process. The authors of the paper consider the possibilities of using this methodology for managing and preventing sociocultural risks and form an integrated model of risk management in relation to the sociocultural process in the context of a digital revolution.

Keywords: Risk Management; Sociocultural Process; Sociocultural Risk; Digitalization; Risk Management Model

JEL Classification: M10

Acknowledgements and Funding: The publication was prepared with the support of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 19-18-00504 «Socio-technical landscapes of digital reality: ontological matrices, ethical and axiological regulations, road maps and information support for management decisions».

Contribution: The author contributed personally to this work.



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Received 24.09.2020
Received in revised form 29.10.2020
Accepted 6.11.2020
Available online 28.12.2020