Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 203, Issue (5-6), Pages: 36-47

Citation information:
Muslimov, N., Alzhaxina, N., Timurbekova, A., Dalabayev, A., Tuyakova, A., & Sadibaev, A. (2023). Economic aspects of hydrodynamic extraction in the production of extracts from sprouted grain of cereals. Economic Annals-XXI, 203(5-6), 36-47. doi:

Nurzhan Muslimov
D.Sc. (Engineering),
Astana Branch, Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry LLP
47 Al-Farabi Ave., Nur-Sultan, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Nazym Alzhaxina
PhD (Engineering),
Acting Director,
Astana Branch, Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry LLP
47 Al-Farabi Ave., Nur-Sultan, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Aigul Timurbekova
PhD (Agriculture),
Associate Professor,
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University
137 Valikhanov Str., Almaty, 050000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Askhat Dalabayev
MA (Engineering),
Assistant Professor,
Technical Faculty,
Astana Branch, Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry LLP
47 Al-Farabi Ave., Nur-Sultan, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Aigerim Tuyakova
MA (Engineering),
Astana Branch, Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry LLP
47 Al-Farabi Ave., Nur-Sultan, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Abilkhan Sadibaev
PhD (Engineering),
Associate Professor,
M. H. Dulati Taraz Regional University
40 Tole Bi Str., 100000, Taraz, Republic of Kazakhstan

Economic aspects of hydrodynamic extraction in the production of extracts from sprouted grain of cereals

Abstract. Introduction. This study delves into the creation of functional beverages via nutrient extraction from sprouted grain raw materials, focusing on the extraction of biologically active compounds. The significance of the extraction method on the efficacy of bioactive compound extraction is a pivotal scientific fact, with hydrodynamic extraction previously studied under high-frequency currents. This research explores hydrodynamic extraction of sprouted grains of cereal crops using an experimental setup.

Materials and Methods. The study utilized hydrodynamic extraction, a prevalent method encompassing infusion, mixing, filtering (with or without filtration) through membranes, and counter-current mass exchange between raw materials and extractants. Hydrodynamic extraction was chosen for its ability to intensify the process, reduce extraction time, increase the yield of extracted substances, and lower energy consumption. The experiment determined the extract yield from sprouted grains of cereal crops using this method. A rotatable second-order plan (Box plan) was employed for regression equation development, incorporating over 20 experiments and 10 equation coefficients.

Results. The experiments established two factors influencing the extraction process’s effectiveness: extraction duration (t, min) and sprouted grain concentration (C, %). These factors impacted the optimization criteria – extract yield. The research outcomes are presented in detailed tables and diagrams, providing a comprehensive understanding of the process dynamics and optimization for maximum extract yield from various grains.

Scientific Novelty. The study introduces a new perspective in the field of hydrodynamic extraction, emphasizing the impact of specific variables like extraction time and grain concentration on the yield and quality of extracts from sprouted cereal grains. The mathematical processing of data and the regression equations formulated offer a novel approach to understanding and optimizing the hydrodynamic extraction process.

Practical Significance. The research findings are crucial for the economic sector, particularly in the production of functional beverages. Understanding the variables that influence the extraction process can lead to more efficient production methods, enhancing the quality and nutritional value of the beverages. The cost analysis has been undertaken and economic effect of proposed variants of production were calculated and compared. The study’s insights into the biochemical composition of extracts, especially from sprouted triticale, reveal their potential as valuable ingredients in the beverage industry, enriched with polyphenols, flavonoids, organic acids, and vitamins. This knowledge can guide economic strategies in functional beverage production, emphasizing cost-effectiveness and resource optimization. 

Keywords: Sprouted Grain; Cereals; Wheat; Triticale; Barley; Hydrodynamic Extraction; Functional Drinks; Economic Analysis

JEL Classifications: Q13; Q16; L66; O13

Acknowledgements and Funding: The authors express their gratitude for the financial support of the project Development of technology for the production of functional beverages based on sprouted grain of cereals within the framework of program-targeted financing of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2021-2023 (BR10764977).

Contribution: The authors contributed equally to this work.

Data Availability Statement: The dataset is available from the authors upon request.



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Received 20.10.2022
Received in revised form 22.11.2022
Accepted  3.12.2022
Available online 14.06.2023