Theoretical and practical approach to the essential characteristics and structure of digital ecosystems of industrial enterprises
Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 205, Issue (9-10), Pages: 14-33
Citation information:
Kulzhambekova, B., Tashenova, L., & Mamrayeva, D. (2023). Theoretical and practical approach to the essential characteristics and structure of digital ecosystems of industrial enterprises. Economic Annals-XXI, 205(9-10), 14-33. doi:
Barno Kulzhambekova
PhD Student (Economics),
Junior Researcher,
Institute for Digital Economy Research;
Karaganda Buketov University
28 Universitetskaya Str., Karaganda, 100000, Republic of Kazakhstan
Larissa Tashenova
PhD (Economics),
Director, Institute for Digital Economy Research;
Associate Professor of the Marketing Department,
Karaganda Buketov University
28 Universitetskaya Str., Karaganda, 100000, Republic of Kazakhstan
Dinara Mamrayeva
PhD (Economics),
Leading Researcher,
Institute for Digital Economy Research;
Head, Marketing Department,
Karaganda Buketov University
28 Universitetskaya Str., Karaganda, 100000, Republic of Kazakhstan
Theoretical and practical approach to the essential characteristics and structure of digital ecosystems of industrial enterprises
Abstract. Our scientific article is devoted to the study of the essential characteristics and structure of digital ecosystems of industrial enterprises based on the applied theoretical and practical approach. In particular, the author’s definitions of the concepts «digital platform» and «digital ecosystem of an industrial enterprise» were given, the distinctive features and advantages of using digital ecosystems, including within the framework of industrial production, were highlighted, the conceptual structure of the digital ecosystem of an industrial enterprise was developed and presented, the examples of practical implementation of digital ecosystems at industrial enterprises in Kazakhstan and neighbouring countries were considered.
We also carried out a scientometric analysis of publications based on the using of materials from the Web of Knowledge database (Web of Science Core Collection) for 1992-2024 using the capabilities of the VOSviewer software product to build thematic frames in the context of three search queries: 1. ««digital ecosystem» and «industry»»; 2. ««digital platform» and «digital transformation»»; 3. ««Digital transformation» and «Industry 4.0»». The final sample within each of the search formulas was: 1859, 3259 and 689 publications, respectively.
The article has developed a comprehensive and adaptive proprietary methodology for conducting scientometric analysis (created taking into account PRISMA recommendations, ensuring validation of the research procedure used in the research), including both the main stages of obtaining a data array and their subsequent analysis based on the specialized software product VOSviewer with the construction of the final frame clusters according to the following criteria: Co-Authorship Analysis, Co-Occurrence Analysis.
Keywords: Digital Ecosystem; Platform Economy; Industry 4.0; Digital Economy; Industrial Enterprise; Scientometric Analysis; Vosviewer
JEL Classification: F6; L6; M21; O14; O25; O32; Q55
Acknowledgements and Funding: this research was funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. AP19680223).
Contribution: The authors contributed equally to this work.
Data Availability Statement: The dataset is available from the author upon request.
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Received 20.09.2023
Received in revised form 12.10.2023
Accepted 16.10.2023
Available online 27.11.2023