Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 130, Issue 5-6(2), Pages: 16-19

Citation information:
Rybak, I. (2013). The vectors of the information and manipulative technologies implementation in processes of legitimation in Ukraine (by the example of the 2012 parliamentary elections). Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(2), 16-19.

Iryna Rybak
PhD Student,
Senior Lecturer,
 «KROK» University, Kyiv, Ukraine

The vectors of the information and manipulative technologies implementation in processes of legitimation in Ukraine (by the example of the 2012 parliamentary elections)

Abstract. In the article, the problem of correlation between the modern manipulative practices and legitimation in the context of parliamentary elections in 2012 in Ukraine is actualized. The important factors of such interdependence formation are the processes of technologization and mediatization of contemporary politics and its decisive practices.

Thus, the process of political legitimation based on the communication and exchange of information, does not exclude the possibility of the application of appropriate technologies and strategies for achieving political legitimacy. This conceptual dimension stipulates the necessity of the analysis of the information and manipulative technologies implementation in the electoral space and the legitimation process of Ukraine in conditions of parliamentary elections held in 2012.

As the result of the research, the regularities of the implementation of information and manipulative technologies in the electoral process and their legitimation potential have been defined. Particularly, political representation in the electoral process in 2012 in Ukraine took place mainly in the media format and in dimensions of so-called «media logic», «entertaining politics» and other. The key strategic vectors of realization the information and manipulative technologies in legitimation processes of the election campaign-2012 in Ukraine have been determined. Namely, it has been focused on the political image creating and the delegitimation of the opponent.

Keywords: Political Legitimation; Legitimation Potential; Information and Manipulative Technologies; Electoral Process; Mass Media

JEL Classification: D83; E61


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Received 11.04.2013