Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 158, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 70-74

Citation information:
Shkarlet, S., & Dubyna, M. (2016). Features of the cognitive approach application to the essence of the financial services market identification. Economic Annals-XXI, 158(3-4(2)), 70-74. doi:

Serhiy Shkarlet
D.Sc. (Economics),
Chernihiv National University of Technology
95 Shevchenko Str., Chernihiv, 14027, Ukraine

Maksym Dubyna
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Chernihiv National University of Technology
95 Shevchenko Str., Chernihiv, 14027, Ukraine

Features of the cognitive approach application to the essence of the financial services market identification

Abstract. The paper presents the research results of the cognitive approach to the essence of the financial services market (FSM). They allowed the authors to single out the following conceptual approaches to its definition: the institutional approach, the resource approach, the product approach and the market approach. Their peculiarities, as well as nature, were analysed and described. Subsequently, the study of the financial services market essence was conducted by using the epistemological approach to clarify the nature of this market, which was based on the synthesis of such definitions as «market» and «financial services». The application of the cognitive approach to the identification of the category «financial services market» essence has allowed the authors to propose their own interpretation of such a concept. Practical basis of the research were financial services markets of Ukraine and Bulgaria.

Keywords: Market; Financial Services; Category; Financial Services Market (FSM); Financial Intermediary; Ukraine; Bulgaria

JEL Classіfіcatіon: G00



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Received 01.02.2016