Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 203, Issue (5-6), Pages: 25-30

Citation information:
Hezarkhani, M., Jalalinejad, R., Mohammadpour, F., & Mahmoudi, S. (2023). Investigation of the social network marketing influence on consumer behavior with the mediating role of brand value (a case study for iPhone market). Economic Annals-XXI, 203(5-6), 25-30. doi:

Morteza Hezarkhani
MA (Business Management),
Postgraduate Candidate in Business Administration,
Department of Economics and Management,
University of Padua
33 Via del Santo Str., Padova, 35123, Italy

Reyhaneh Jalalinejad
MA (Business Management),
Postgraduate Candidate in Business Administration,
Department of Economics and Management,
University of Padua
33 Via del Santo Str., Padova, 35123, Italy

Fatemeh Mohammadpour
MA (Business Management),
Postgraduate Candidate in Business Administration,
Department of Economics and Management,
University of Padua
33 Via del Santo Str., Padova, 35123, Italy

Samaneh Mahmoudi
MA (Management),
Postgraduate Candidate,
Department of Management,
Faculty of Consulting and Business management,
University of Messina
1 Piazza Pugliatti Sq., Messina, 98122, Italy

Investigation of the social network marketing influence on consumer behavior with the mediating role of brand value (a case study for iPhone market)

Abstract. The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of social network marketing on consumer behavior with the mediating role of brand value in the iPhone market. The current research is a descriptive survey in terms of practical purpose and in terms of the data collection method. The target population includes digital channels of the famous iPhone brand store (followers of Amazon website pages and famous sellers of the iPhone brand), whose number is unlimited. 384 people were selected in 2022 by Cochran’s formula and the questionnaire was distributed among them in a simple random manner. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to determine the validity of the questionnaire using the method of content validity and reliability of the questionnaire, and finally, the coefficients showed that the data collection tool has high reliability. In order to check the validity of the questionnaire, confirmatory factor analysis was used and in order to check the research hypotheses, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used with the help of SmartPLS 3 software, and all the research hypotheses were confirmed. Suggestions and solutions for improving and promoting social network marketing and consumer behavior in the iPhone market have been presented.

Keywords: Social Network Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Brand Value; iPhone Market

JEL Classifications: Е24; Е41; Е64; I18; J28; J31

Acknowledgements and Funding: The authors received no direct funding for this study. The iPhone market has been selected for the research purposes only. There is no personal engagement of the authors with the subject under study.

Contribution: Morteza Hezarkhani (first author): study conception and design; Reyhaneh Jalalinejad (second author): data collection and analysis; Fatemeh Mohammadpour (third author): review and interpretation of results; Samaneh Mahmoudi (fourth author): draft manuscript preparation. All the authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Data Availability Statement: The dataset is available from the authors upon request.



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Received 26.02.2023
Received in revised form 12.03.2023
Accepted 14.03.2023
Available online 14.06.2023